Monday, August 20, 2012

Fifteen Days to Live.

Fifteen days are left of summer. FIFTEEN DAYS! This summer has gone by crazy fast! And although I'm excited to start high school, this has been the best summer of my life. I don't want it to end!

My summer bucket list still has many things to get crossed off, and it is my duty to get as much done as possible. So here's the things I still need to do:

4. Go on the Catapult at Lagoon with Robert! Dun dun dun!

7. Get a goldfish and keep it alive longer than three days.

8. Sleep in a tree. Since Reagan told me about her sleeping tree, I've been dying to try it.

9. Actually accomplish an All Nighter. I've tried many times to no avail.

13. Go on a Bigfoot Excursion. 

14. Play TONS of tennis.

19. Install a hammock.

20. Bake.

21. Ice Cream for dinner.

22. Red Butte Gardens aka my favorite place in the world (if I take a Claratin before I go).

23. Zoo! I love the zoo!

Holy cow. that is many things to do in just two meager weeks. Holy cow. Summer is almost over. Noooooooo. Well, I better go start my list and stop blogging. Aaaah! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same boat as you, girl. and I have almost 30 things to get done. Hahano.
