Friday, September 14, 2012

day six.

I seriously love Computer Tech. We do about 30 minutes of work, and we get an hour of free time. It's very nice for pinterest and blogging.

So.. Day Six.

What is the hardest thing you've ever experienced?

I'm trying not to sound so "woe is me", but I've been through some pretty hard things in my life. So, here we go.

In ninth grade, I had three people that were close to me pass away. It was so hard. I cried every night. I once cried so much that I almost threw up. I was depressed, and life was stormy. This was also when I didn't have a best friend, and I felt so alone. I was dumb, and didn't realize that everyone in ninth grade was going through the same thing as me. I could've leaned on them, but I didn't. I wasn't leaning on anything. I had fallen down. I wasn't motivated to do anything. My grades slipped, my social life died, and I was miserable.

I know now that I wasn't alone. I had God on my side. I had my family, and I had friends. I was just so confused and I didn't know what to do. But I know that those people are in Heaven, happily living with God and dancing around and looking down at me and are yelling at me to stop being so stupid. I sometimes picture all three of them eating food and talking about all of us still on earth. And laughing. I think they laugh a lot.

I try not to think about when I was so miserable, and when everything was so bleak. I still suffer from random mood swings, and I've become more closed off since this happened. It's okay though, I'm getting through this.



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